Tuesday – 11/17/2020 – TTT

45-55 min around the world @ 65-70% effort, steady flow from station to station

Bike 90 sec

15 russian swings

15 empty bar strict press

Bike 90 sec

15 banded pull throughs from sumo stance

10 hollow rocks + 10 sec hollow body hold

Bike 90 sec

10 banded spanish squats

10 arch rocks + 10 sec arch body hold

Bike 90 sec

30/side banded terminal knee extensions (squeeze VMO at top of each)

Man, my triceps are so freaking sore today. Even the empty barbell press was a mother, I even dropped down to a 35lb bar on the last round. Also Assault Bikes were being used in class today so I had to use the bike erg. Got through 4 full rounds at around 50 minutes and change

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