Tuesday – 12/1/2020 – TTT

Every 6 min x 6 sets

1000m Ass bike

500m row

(try to start the sets at the avg pace/round from last week’s tester, and get marginally faster each set from there)

3:36-3:34-3:33-3:28-3:26-3:25 – I didn’t write down the 500m splits, but in guestimation it was was 1:52-1:52-1:51-1:50-1:49-1:47 – either my rowing is way off when it comes to meters, I feel pretty good with calories – i do know they are different…..in this scenario does the bike take that much out of the row? I will say that I didn’t want to just lay the hammer down and lose sustainable bouts and not be able to recover.


Ido portal squat routine in full

Had to split this up after filling in to coach a class


Sliding lunge series x 3/direction/leg x 3 sets


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