Monday – 12/21/2020 – TTT

Ring MU warmup

Hip bridge single leg extension x 6/side with hard glute squeeze at top of each rep

Reverse table top plank pressup x 6 with hard glute squeeze at top of each rep

(Hollow rocks x 3 into hip extension x 1) * 3 reps

1-2 times through this series

Done – 2 sets


Ring MU snap pull with hip extension into turnover from feet on floor – 3-5 reps (hard pull on rings timed with hip extension to generate momentum)

Ring MU pop swing with snap pull from hang – 3-5 reps (swing feet, then stop them abruptly and push hips forward/up)

Strict dips for depth x 2-3 + kipping dips with pause in bottom before kip x 3-5, rest as needed x 2-3 sets

Added in some positional pulling work on the ring thing – accumulating 15 reps or so with some tempo dip work + dips from external rotation and wide grip 


E2MOM x 8-10 (4-5 of each for quality)

Odd sets – 25 cal row @ steady effort (picture a pace that you could hold for 50-60 cals/round, long pulls, steady breathing)

Even sets – 4-5 ring MU for quality/crispness

10 sets – rmu were 4 sets of 5 and the last set of 4 – row pace was in the upper 1100’s and low 1200’s I even sprint started one round for 12 sec. On set 4 I wanted to see what staying in the 1100’s did for time domain, the time difference was minimal, however that was the round I felt my heart rate got a little bit higher. It was also in that set that I felt my muscle ups get a little squirrely. On rep 4 of muscle up in set 4 I felt myself pull too early and not sure if the row was a cause and effect or if mentally just got a little away from me. In set 5 I felt my mechanics of holding a good hollow got away from me a bit and on rep 3 and 4 I didn’t keep as tight as I needed so when falling and swinging into rep 5 I was way off and didn’t even make an attempt for the 5th rep. Muscle ups felt great in the beginning, was focusing on trying to stay sustainable on row but might have been working a big harder to keep the pace as the sets went on. Watch said heart rate was around the upper 140’s/low 150’s went getting off the machines and close to the same for the gymnastics work.


Loaded GHD sorenson hold – 30 sec on, 90 sec off x 5-6 sets (hold a load against chest that challenges the time domain but stays doable)

6 sets + 15lb plate in chest

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