Tuesday – 12/22/2020 – TTT

HSW skill

50ft bear crawl with straight legs and straight arms

50ft crab walk, try to keep hips high

50ft inch worms, arms straight throughout

50ft walk with swing into handstand

Worst warm up/skill work ever. I thought a 50ft inchworm was going to be bad but the crab walk was by far the worst. I mean absolutely horrible


Accumulate 60 alternating shoulder taps from wall facing HS hold, controlled shift of weight, try to move slowly without jerking

Really focused on pushing my toes to the sky each time I shifted my bodyweight. I also noticed as I got tired my hands trying to get away from the wall so at least felt that was losing a little bodyline position.


6-8 sets @ high/repeatable effort:

10 Bar Facing Burpees

50 DU’s

10 toes to bar

Bike erg 500m

Rest/Walk 90 sec bt sets

2:32-2:28-2:26-2:24-2:27-2:33-2:30 (I did rest an extra 90sec after set 6 to 7 and was not a natural effort to keep the bike over 2:00/1000m and that’s when I knew I needed to call it. Main goal whole time was to keep the set of burpee under 30sec. Only missed on double under in the first round. Also pushed rest on every to 105 sec bt 2&3, and 4&5.

Last note/data point, bodyweight consistently before trip was 202-205, this morning I hopped on the scale out of curiosity and it said 194 and that was with pants on. Doesn’t tell us much but definitely says something. But I will say there were times I felt a little heavy and was thinking that I’d like to be closer to 200, didn’t really want it to flat out fall off but maybe a blessing. One thought it for the whole vacay trip and a few days since back was no creatine in my days and that could be the cause and effect.

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