Wednesday – 1/6/20201 – TTT

A. Squat Snatch: Work to a tough single for the day

200 – my right side felt like it was not punching up against the bar very well at all. Don’t know if I rushed my warm up and not getting things activated appropriately but was just missing some confidence the receiving position.

B. Back Squat: 10,8,6,4; rest 2-3 min – 65,70,75,80% 

235-245-265-285 – definitely not true percentages, and all flet decent except the set of 4. Maybe couldn’ve grinded out 2 more reps at that load

C. Squat Snatch: Build to 90% of A

175, first few reps were not pretty but cleaned it up but definitely the right side and feeling like thoracic, rhomboid struggling to fire aggressively and sequentially. 


For time:

100′ HSW 

rest 15 Seconds 

20 Ring Muscle Ups AFAP (start with amrap unbroken set)

Some good things happened here that I was pretty happy about. 1:47 on hs walk, had a really good mind set going into this and wanted to attack it, the first 75ft was done in 49 seconds, came down turned around and kicked right back up with confidence, but it was the 70th feet that things got a little sloppy. I started to lose control and was pretty confident I was going to make the 75 but i did start to stumble and started to drift out of my lane and fell across the line. This slowed me down to kick right back up into the last 25ft, so rested, maybe a little long for sure. Then rmu was 4:48, hit 6 for my first set, then 3&3 at that point I decided I was going to do sets of 2’s to finish, and my next set of 2 felt great and thought this is a great rep scheme I feel great and I’m going to take a short rest and hop right into the next set of 2 with a short break, then I jumped back up and after the first rep I had that feeling that my hands were not sliding over the rings well so I only did 1. Then did 2 and 3 to finish.

rest 3min 

Assault 90 Seconds @ 350-375 watts

50′ DB FRWL @ 50/hand

8 Squat Snatch @ 135lbs

2 Squat Snatch @ 185lbs

Were the good things happened from that gymnastics work, this wasn’t as good, just felt like breathing was hard. For all the feelings of being better yesterday, I’m wondering how much breathing with the barbell and the tension and rigidity is still affected when there is not that level of tension on machines. Time – 7:18 (oh yeah missed 2 lifts, 2 at 135 and 1 @ 185, and actually the first rep at 185 felt better than all @ 135 so I think I rushed my second rep more from a technical perspective then recovery

rest 3 min 

Assault 90 Seconds @ 350-375 watts

10 DB Box Step Ups @ 50lbs

8 Hang Squat Clean @ 155lbs

2 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 225lbs

3:41 – felt a little better here, a little higher step up for the step ups more out of convenience because the hardest part about this workout was knowing that I had a shit ton of stuff to clean up, so that was a slight more grind than a 24” would be. 5/3 on the hang and the 225 barbell was tough, didn’t feel strong at all and the first jerk was shaky but 2nd one felt so much better. I’m being patient and putting in the work, but damn I want my strength back.

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