Friday – 1/8/2021 – TTT

Build to tough triple deadlift

365 – i almost wanted to quit after this….there wasn’t much more in the tank, it was slow off the ground but there was never any question that I could get all 3, but after I hit this one I wasn’t even going to make another jump. I did make a big jump to that so that may be a minor factor.


For time

10 deadlifts @ 315lbs

15 sHSPU

15 power cleans @ 225lbs

25 kHSPU

25 shoulder to overhead @ 135lbs

40 bar facing burpees

15:36 – I will say this went a little better than expected. I completely planned on having to modify the loading on the power clean mid workout. It without a doubt took the bulk of the time, close second the shoulder to overhead. I just really feel my sto technique, i do not get enough leg drive, so need to work on that isolated and in warm up. 315 unbroken, that at least put me in a better place after wanting to quit. 15 strict hspu went unbroken, I felt I could’ve done about 4-5 more UB. ummmmm……….and I just now realized i fucked up, i did 20 power cleans smh……my eye sight is starting to go bad. Do you know if covid has any effect on vision? Ok, so now I don’t feel as completely shitty. I did my first 2 reps quickly after I changed loads, i just wanted to see what happens. I did try to do a couple of quick doubles and triples, I couldn’t keep that pace but I was happy that I was able to do that. Khspu did 11, changed one side of plates, 9 changed the other. I think I could’ve done it in 2 sets, but wasnt comfortable breathing like that while inverted. STO was just a shit show I feel. Burpee just tried to keep moving and with 15 left I tried to push the pace with what I had left


Accumulate 50 banded BB OH presses with 1 sec pause overhead

This took me about as long as the metcon did, I used the band that I would say is average size and holy shit this became super hard

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