Friday – 2/5/2021 – TTT

Snatch pull x 1/Below knee snatch pull x 1/Below knee hang squat snatch x 1, new complex every 2 min x 6-8 for quality, only last 1-2 reps should be tough enough to risk missing

7 sets – and last set @ 195, loaded up to 205 (which I hadn’t really planned on going for in the beginning or even after I hit 195 but then said fuck it so that mental prep was missing and might have affected that effort) and when I went below the knee for the squat snatch and felt it pull me forward so didn’t even make an honests attempt


Row 90 sec @ 1100-1200 cal/hr, long strokes, into

AMRAP 2:30 of

10 wallballs

10 chest to bar

(quick transitions)

rest 2 min x 2 sets

3+7 & 3+1 – had one group of c2b in the 2nd set that almost lost the rhythm but stayed on the bar and regained it. All c2b unbroken, feeling pretty good about c2b, wanted to keep my output high here and wanted to get 4 rounds just couldn’t keep my transitions fast enough to do so


Bike 90 sec @ 330-370 watts, upright posture, into

AMRAP 2:30 of

10 power snatches @ 95lbs

10 toes to bar

(quick transitions)

rest 2 min x 2 sets

2+1 & 2+1 – didn’t feel completely recovered and I struggled to suffer and endure with the barbell. 1st set ps was 4/3/3 and then mostly singles, and 2nd sets was 3/3 and singles and all singles. 


2 rounds for time

50ft HSW

10 TNG PC @ 115lbs

50ft HSW

10 OHS @ 115lbs

8:56 – this felt like the shortest most grinding workouts I’ve ever done. Hs walks were good today but wasn’t trying to be too aggressive for fear of the carry over from set to set. Only last 50ft was the only one I broke on. I tried to transition quickly form the first 25ft to the last of that set and I started to lose control so I came down. This was a fun workout but I was pretty taxed and enjoyed the grind.

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