Saturday – 2/6/2021 – TTT

Double barrel front squats x 4, rest 3 min x 4 sets, tough

155-175-195×2 – there was definitely more in the tank but this was tough enough


tttTD (10 min AMRAP, thruster/burpee/DL)

1+50 – the main thing that slowed me down was the deadlift. I’m happy with how I was able to chip away in the deads but I rested too much. Sets were 4/4/4/3. I think I finished the first round around 6:04. I know the thrusters were done around 1:15ish (13/10/7). I think i finished burpee around 3 ish, but I do feel i was moving faster than that. Second round I picked up the thruster bar quickly but don’t remember how many reps i did (5 or 6), michelle and I did it together so at a point in the thruster, every time she picked up the bar I picked it up and tried to always do 1 or more thruster when she put it down. When I looked at the clock, I really was trying to push the burpee in order to at least get a chance at the barbell.

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