Wednesday – 2/10/2021 – TTT

Squat Clean Gauntlet:

Every 90 seconds:

30 DU’s + 1 Squat Clean, starting at 245lbs

add 10lbs/make

*60 sec cap on each set, 30 sec to change weights/increase

285 – 275 felt the best and gave me good confidence with that next bar, I feel the 285 might have pulled me forward slightly but I was quick enough under the bar, it was one of those where it felt like it took forever to stand up but probably was just slow and steadily moving out of the hole


For time

Row 800m

40 1-arm DB shoulder to overhead, alternating hands every 10 reps

20 deadlifts @ 315lbs

30 toes to bar

Bike 1600m

12:04 – some little victories today. The row pace finished around 1:49 I believe, I wanted to keep it under that, stayed around 1:45 for the first 400-500m but didn’t want to dig in to fight and keep it there. When I started the db sto I forgot the exact rx format so just stayed with push press, never set the db down but at push press I would have not been able to go right into another set with my left if there were more than 40 reps, it just felt like lockout was getting tough on the left arm, right arm was fine. Had about a 15ft walk to barbell for deadlift and I picked it up right away and hit 4 reps no belt, the next set I put on a belt and that made the transition take to long. The little victory here though was after hitting that set of 4, I walked about 6 ft to the wall and back to the bar and picked it up. That walk is still too much of rest, but I never allowed myself to put my hands on my knees and just said that everytime you make it back to the bar you have to go. I think my rep breakdown was 4/4/3/5/3/2. TTB was 8/8/7/7, tried to drop down and jump right back up every time but I felt that taking a toll so got chalk bt one of the sets. This felt good today, I got a little more uncomfortable than I wanted with the deadlift and that is exactly what I needed to do.

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