Monday – 2/15/2021 – TTT

Clean grip deadlift – build to tough TNG double, leave 15-20lbs in the tank for the day

375 – felt pretty good, definitely left 15lbs in the tank, it’s always so hard to tell because my pull gets so slow off the ground when we get near these loads.


For time

12-9-6 deadlifts @ 275lbs

12-9-6 bar MU

(rest 5 min)


For time

5-7-9 deadlifts @ 315lbs

5-7-9 ring MU

11:57 a missed opportunity in the ring muscle up couplet. I missed a rep at rep 7 I think it was, the miss was definitely due to fatigue but also pushing some urgency and feeling a little technique breakdown. Something felt off and a little restricted. I grinded through rep 8, and then 9 I did it the way your are supposed to. Kind of frustrated me when I finished because I cleaned up my last rep but I struggled to clean them up before that on that back ⅓ of the set of 9. The first ⅔ of the set of 9 was a grind for sure, some singles and a double here and there. I did do a better job here of trying to not rest too long until I felt like I was going to miss. Another thing that got in my head was going 5 deadlifts UB, which was not my original plan but it felt lighter than the 275 on the first set (and the first set only), and then 5 UB muscle up, those 10 reps were not part of the plan but do think they affected my middle sets. 

Bar muscle up workout, my whole goal there was fast transitions and break them up into smaller manageable chunks of sets that set me up for a good times. The good things that happened here, bmi set of 12 – did 4-4-4 and the first 2 sets of 4 were fast with short breaks and then a longer break before the last set of 4, same for the set of 9 broken into 3’s, the set of 6 to finish was a quick set of 2 and then a longer break to finish with 4.


Back decompression work

A1 – Ostrich walk 50ft, rest 30 sec

A2 – Quadruped rock backs x 6-8, rest 30 sec

A3 – Pigeon pose hold 30 sec/side, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

Done – why did the ostrich walk feel just as hard if not harder than the workouts.

B – Russian baby makers x 5 reps for tension in bottom of squat and hamstring release at top, 3 sets


C – Prone scorpion twists x 4/side + Supine scorpion twists x 4/side + 90/90 shin box switch x 4/side, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

Perfect combo today

Another quick note to be mindful of is during the arch position of the bmu today, i could feel this slight discomfort in the quad, I’m assuming it’s from Saturday where I was trying to extend my lunge too far. And I’m sure there was some performance breakdown today as we had planned that yesterday was going to be our last day of consuming adult beverages until after the open. Didn’t indulge much more than we do with dinner but maybe had some influence on the back end of being able to continue keeping the pedal pushed to the floor

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