Saturday – 2/13/2021 – TTT

Squat snatches from blocks above knee – accumulate 10-12 quality singles for the day (you decide loading, build to a point that they feel tough but keep good quality with minimal misses)

165×4, 175×4, 185×4 – no misses and quality felt very high, really focused on good tension and position in set up


tttTD (20 min AMRAP)

7+3 hspu – from the beginning I knew 20 minutes is a long time so I didn’t want to come out to hot but what I did want to do was see how long I could hold UB TTB and HSPU, all 80 ttb were unbroken and I feel I could’ve done that for 4+ more rounds. HSPU, I think around round 4 lock out started getting a little harder (and I might have broke them in that round but definitely the next round) and could feel that in the lunge as well. Also I didn’t feel like I had great control on the lunge. Really felt like I was trying to force the issue there and move way too fast and sometimes was a little out of control. The lunge also took a little more of a toll on me than I anticipated, more so from the db perspective, but I also was trying to get my first 3 steps in with big long strides and I also think that took its toll. From a comfort perspective, I never wear knee sleeves but when I was trying to move too fast that was getting more annoying and uncomfortable than painful or hard. The first 3 rounds were sub 2min pace, but I could feel that the sustainability in that was all on the hspu. One round I tried to make the transition from lunge to hspu really quick, get a few reps in and then short break, this sky rocketed my heart rate and got a little in my head for the rest of the way. Transition from lunge to ttb was were I should’ve kept it tight but I started relying on the chalk break. I’m glad I went for UB on both hspu and ttb though even though it effected my score in the long run. My confidence with the TTB feels good right now, and good strategy with hspu we can maximize some scoring here. So good lesson learned from that. 


6-8 sets of

20 sec hollow body hold (place skinny band under the small of your back to ensure form is ideal), 20-40 sec rest bt sets

Not done right after but a little bit after cooling down and cleaning up

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