Monday – 3/1/2021 – TTT

10 min @ warmup pace

10 cal bike

8 wallballs

3 strict pullups

3/direction cossack squat

Done – should’ve used the 30lb wall ball here


HSPU play

floor kip drill x 5-6 min



5 sets

2-3 strict HSPU

4-5 kHSPU

25ft HSW

rest 90 sec bt sets

Didn’t get a time on the first one, but then went 34-34-32-21 – i set up my mat to a slight, ½ deficit as I used that therapy mat that a lot of use for hip thrust. I wanted to go a slight deficit there because I feel that mat has some little amount of play and wanted to know if you think that is okay or if that falls into the uncommon movement clause. Overall – in this set up strict hspu felt really good at that low rep range, at times shifting from strict into kip timing was off on a few of the leg drives. Hs walks are also feeling really good lately. I know this is low volume but we have to excel at low volume to have a chance being there at higher volume. 


For time, high effort

Row 20 cals

24 thrusters @ 95lbs

Row 20 cals

3:01 – first 20 wanted to hold about 1200-1300 and stayed in the upper 12’s after the first 5-7 calories, finished the back end cals in 47ish seconds I believe so that would be staying around 1300-1400 cal/hr. Thruster were unbroken, around rep 15/16 I knew I was close enough that I started pushing the pace instead of the brief pause in lockout overhead. Rack position was good for the paced reps but was feeling that got a little weaker as my breath and heart rate got elevated, so that is something to pay attention to for me moving forward as the volume there get higher. 

(rest walk 8 min)

For time, high effort

20 box jump overs (24in)

24 power cleans @ 95lbs

20 box jump overs 

2:04 – thank goodness for the bop bop clean, first 20 bxjo I bounded pretty well until 12 and then jump up, stay low and step down so I could pick up the bb fast, but what I didn’t like about switching gears like that is that it made my rhythm feel off when I tried to speed up for the last 3 reps. The 20 on the back end, i tried to move as fast as possible but my feet felt like i had bricks for shoes.

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