Tuesday – 3/2/2021 – TTT


10 min @ warmup pace

10 cal row

6 ring rows

4 ring dips

5-10 sec freestanding HS hold

Freestanding hs hold was semi decent today, wanted to keep trying but also knew I needed to keep with the program


J-hook practice with hands on pullup bar – do 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps, rest as needed

Really clicked here today


4 rope climbs for ‘efficiency’, new set every 4 min x 3
Much better improvement today, still some things to iron out but we are moving in the right direction. And as of the evening of posting, the elbow feels the same as when I woke up. Couldn’t say that last week so thats progress with the work today.


Dip swings on rings x 5-6, rest 60 sec x 4 (goal will be to feel some upward elevation as hips open, https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUCDN1sR31E6uSu6TJvaTijQ&v=3MzTsLrYSNo&feature=youtu.be)



Ring MU x 3 reps with a focus on trying to use the leg backswing to add momentum to your dip out, new triple every 90 sec x 4-5 for exploration/experimentation today, let me know what it feels like and if there is some value in exploring this some more – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvS7u8pxtGM

I really liked the exploration here, and felt pretty good. As long as I drop closer to straight down my reps are more consistent, when I push away I can feel the rings get away from staying centered and that throws my kip off. I felt it happen a few times, but I do like the kip with the feet in the back portion


4 sets, not for time

GHD situps x 15

GHD hip extensions with pause at top x 15

Ghd’s felt really really good today.


Row 40 cals (sub 2 min, but stay aerobic)

50 DU’s

20 BBJO @ 24in (some fatigued BBJO tech here, set a pace of no more than 6 sec/rep, steady with consistent footwork and momentum over box)

rest 4 min x 3 sets

3:56-3:54-4:04 – second set was about 3 seconds faster off the rower, each round was finishing rope around 2:30ish – on the last set finished the row right at 2, slower transition to rope, and when I finished the dubz, I wanted to precisely measure my bbjo, so I finished around 2:39, and started burpee at 2:45….I wanted to try and go a little slower in round 3, a pace that I figured was more sustainable long term, but also was working on footwork and just kind of led me to the pace I was at.

This day was perfect, I was tired going into the pm session, and I need that practice of doing workouts after a day of sitting in front of the computer and having an am session as well. This is exactly what I needed.

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