Friday – 3/5/2021 – TTT


Mcgill big 3


3 rounds at warmup pace

3/side TGU @ 35lbs

3 strict pullups

3 inch worms

3 kang squats



AMRAP 10 min

15 thrusters @ 95lbs

15 C2B pullups

15 cal bike (minimum pace of 350 watts)

(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 6 min

3,6,9…reps of

Power cleans @ 185lbs

Bar MU

4 complete rounds of the 10 min amrap – all thrusters and c2b unbroken, and man the minimum pace was the kicker here, I didn’t want to hop on the bike until I knew I was ready,  I was good for the first 2 rounds, conservative transitions, hopped off the bike and got to the barbell quickly, the 3rd round became a little more of a grind with the thruster, it’s more in the rack position, if I felt my elbows drop a little when my breathing is up then of course we fight to improve the bad position, it was in the 3rd round that I did a mix of slow and breath at the top, some fast in the middle and the last 3 or 4 reps fast to finish, the 4th round was the one that hurt, just stayed steady on thruster, knew I needed to have some urgency on the c2b and it was around rep 12 that I lost my smooth consistent rhythm. I had about 55 seconds at this point and wasn’t really ready to hop on the bike but just told myself to do it, and i did and it was a great challenge. 

Finished the set of 9 bmu, so I didn’t feel recovered for the first 4 minutes, I felt yucky, but I told myself to try and find a way to keep moving, the barbell was a bigger limiter than I thought it was going to be, just had a hard time. But in the last 2 minutes, i did everything i could to find another gear, I started cycling the bar a little faster, i did some quick 2’s and then some slightly longer breaks bt a few of those doubles, i even thought about doing my last 2 reps tng, I got chalk before my last 2 reps because I knew I had to go for it on bmu, finished my 2 fast transition to bar and started, and i told myself get 3 and drop and right back up, but at 3 i thought you need a couple more, then i thought just go for it, i couldn’t see the clock but didn’t want to stop unless I couldn’t hit a rep, and i got those 9 ub. I had zero expectations into the second part, first part, i was pretty sure i could get 4 rounds, i thought 5 would be a stretch solely because of the minimum bike pacing, but was sure of 4. I had that taste in my mouth when doing power cleans but I at least had some positive talk and said it doesn’t matter where you finish just grind and work and keep moving the best you can. 

Elbow update: I did a good amount of forearm therapy – isometrics and negatives on wednesday. Was kind of cool, we have member who bought some mace clubs and used them for some off balance press negatives that were very grip intensive….so today, elbow itself felt better than it did on Tuesday/wednesday but forearms were pretty sore, this could have also effected my rack position today. Overall, very pleased with how it feels today because I was a little nervous after tuesday but it felt great after the c2b volume on wednesday as well as today. So moving in a positive direction

Extra footnote on the bike in the 10min amrap – kept the watts above 400, didn’t want to get lazy and let it dip too close to 350 and get below minimum

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