Saturday – 3/6/2021 – TTT

15 min amrap:

4 hspu

6 pistol

8 burpee to plate

45 double under

9+14 – haven’t watched video to analyze splits, mostly video in order to count rounds and not take the time to have some kind of counting strategy in the workout. Not the best double under day, clipped once in several of the rounds. I feel super confident with my pistols but at times I got a little sloppy causing me to lose my balance and not rock through them as quickly as I should. Never stopped moving on burpee but I could feel my cadence slow down around the 8/9 min mark. Changed the step up leg mid so turned out to be 4 and 4, was thinking this would help the pistols out over the course of the 15 minutes but not sure i did just because of the time bt them and dubz/hspu. With hspu so low, didn’t always worry so much about exact hand placement and just tried to get in the ballpark. One other miss here was the last few seconds of burpees, at had a hard time switching gears with the step up/step back, didn’t practice enough in warm up jump back/jump up which would have allowed me to finish the rep as the timer went off and maybe get one more rep there. 

Rest as needed

3 rounds for time

3 ring MU

6 sandbag ground over shoulder @ 150lbs

12 sandbag bear hug squats @ 150lbs

50ft HSW

11:19 – the sandbag bear hug squats were a nasty/mean little twist. 2nd and 3rd rounds felt much faster, I pushed the pace a little and transitioned better where I should’ve. I knew the bulk of the time would be with the sandbag. Wanted to go UB on sandbag but just wasn’t happening today. First round went 8/4 and took too long to transition into hs walk, second round did 5/5/2 and was much quicker into hs walk then coming out of that hs walk i thought fuck it just go for the rings, i did, wasnt a quick kip out of dip, had to hang out in the bottom of the dip on all 3 reps but was proud that I pushed that transition. Also pushed the transition into the last hs walk. I’m happy with some of the little things overall today.

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