Wednesday – 3/31/2021 – TTT

Front rack walkouts – 8 sec tough hold, new set every 2 min x 4 (overload compared to target for front squat double to come)

345 on the bar, might have been a bit of over reaching but it was convenient loading and I handled it fine


Front Squat: 4,3,2; rest as needed – Work to a tough double

265-285-315 – there wasn’t much more in the tank after hitting the 315 – might have been able to hit 5 more pounds


12 Min AMRAP:

30 DB step over buy in 50lbs over 24″

Amrap in remaining time:

50 foot two arm OH DB walking lunges 50/hand

8 lateral box jump overs 24in

4 devil’s press 50/hand

4 Two arm DB hang clean and jerk 50/hand

3+10ft – I had considered pivoting and doing the masters version on DSGN but then i realized this version is the demon spawn of the masters and the elite pieces and thought you just wanted to kick me in the ass. I’m semi happy with my effort here, the box step overs I came really close to going for all unbroken, but did 25/6 – the overhead lunge is just tough for me but I did better than I expected with that. I rested more than I should’ve, biggest rest came after 25ft of lunges, always had a fast transition to box jump and got faster with those on each set. One time i went right from the db hang clean and jerk to the lunges and that was almost a mistake but was able to grind through that. Tough but fun workout overall.

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