Friday – 4/2/2021 – TTT

Squat snatch – build to a single @ 200+ for the day, keep it fast, work on staying over the bar a little longer through second pull and getting a good leg drive at the top

210 – I hit 205 then went for 215 and missed that twice, but something i rarely do is keep attempting at that point, so i dropped down to 210 and hit that pretty cleanly……I must also tell you, birthday cake and bourbon and good food might be amazing, but I’m not sure all together they make for the highest of octane for workout fuel. But still amazing and totally worth it. 


Squat snatch – 10 reps for time @ 135lbs, do as singles

48 – had super bouncy plates, i never pushed the bar down to settle it but i did just grab it wherever and go


3 Rounds for Time:

15 strict presses @ 95lbs

21 Toes to Bar

50′ HSW

9:53 – first 2 rounds was cruising really well, then on round 3 i chose to do my presses in 3’s, as I might have hit failure had I tried to do more. Then when I got to TTB i thought what the heck you lost some time on pressing see if you can go all the way, made it to 16, could’ve fought for the rest but was losing my grip a little. It definitely played a little role in being as efficient in that last handstand walk set.

*rest 3 min

4 Rounds for Time:

9 bar facing burpees

12 Hang Power Snatch @ 75lbs

15 chest to bar pullups

8:55 – once again all rounds were good until the last, i lost my butterfly in the last round after rep 9, but it’s partly because I was trying to force the time on not rest much at all because I was defaulting to singles and doubles with little to no rest. My main goal was to do all sets of burpee under 30sec, and grab bb right away, most of the time I had less than a 5 sec transition from burpee to barbell and did 7 reps, might have rested a little too long before the next 5. 

*rest 3 min

For time

12 burpee ring MU

7:43 – this was not as pretty or didn’t feel great, as I missed 3 of my first 4 attempts….but then i settled down a little. The biggest limiter i felt was my abs in the arch and hollow portion of the swing. It was hard to turnover aggressively today, but it did get better as the reps went on

I have not seen a partner TD posted so any recommendations for training tomorrow?

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