Saturday – 4/3/2021 – TTT

Clean grip deadlift from 2in deficit x 3, rest 2 min x 4



For time

60-40-20 row cals

30-20-10 deadlifts @ 225lbs

15-10-5 BBJO @ 30in

14:20 – first row was done in 2:48 – had a semi plan for deadlift but knew if I had a strong pace on rower that might be a little harder to attack the deadlift as planned, hit 16 reps, might have been a bit much but from there I knew i didn’t want to rest too long bt sets so I took a short rest and went right back at it with a smaller set, don’t remember number breakdowns at this point, but think i was around 6 or 7’s. Bbxjo i wanted to take it a little easy internally but I didn’t let myself, i had a hard time stepping off of box so just found it easier to bound off, would go quicker for 3 or 4, and slow down for 2 or 3 and tried to stay at that pace. Back on rower was not as aggressive, was just trying to hold a pace but as soon as I knew i was under control I needed to attack the rower. Don’t remember dead scheme here but just wanted to keep moving with short rests. I decided i was going to attack the bbxjo and on rep 3 I went flying off the box from clipping my foot, and I thought after thats just like trying to rush a snatch, i was a little gun shy right after but settled back in. last row just tried to get moving. Deads unbroken, and tried to move as fast as possible on bbxjo. I’m pretty happy how I got a little uncomfortable on bbxjo (except for miss and few reps after), I thought that there’s more value to move fast and suffer there, if i move “slower” on the rower at least i’m moving, if i take it easy on burpee then i’m resting and not moving. This biggest improvement i can gain from this is the willingness to suffer on the rower.

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