Friday – 5/21/2021 – TTT




Freestyle 100m warmup

Kick 50m warmup

Backstroke 25m warmup


Streamline Progression

Accumulate 6 maximal distance streamline push-offs (note furthest distance)

Accumulate 6 streamline push-offs + 10 alt flutter kicks

These helped quite a bit for dialing in streamline, push offs weren’t super far, maybe 10 yards i think


Variable Speed 50’s

4 x 50’s; rest 60sec b/t

-15y @ max sprint

-30y @ smooth

Rest 3-4min b/t sets x 3 sets

Swimming was much better today than i thought it was going to be. There  are a couple of efficiency things that i will need to improve on. Coordination of foot kick and arm stroke. I seemed to get one but not the other on most sets. I also was not leading with elbow coming out of the water but know that now so will work on that next week. Felt a decent streamline. Also breath coordination will improve with more practice and exposure. Varying speeds was not easy for me, and as the coordination improves im sure that will help with being able to vary that 


HS obstacle accessory work

Ramp rebalancing on ascent and descent with hands even and offset, 3-4 sets of each

Stair rebalancing on ascent and descent with hands offset, 3-4 sets of each

Approach practice for stairs/ramp x 4-5/side

Shoulder taps with 1-hand on bottom stair x 5-6 controlled taps/side x 3 sets

Solid drill work here today. Set up an obstacle of plates and actually hit several full passes here with that. Was pretty excited as that is the first time i have ever been able to do that. still struggling with shoulder taps….as soon as i lift up my down hand my body wants to rotate and not maintain that body shift


3 sets

25 cal AB, high effort

100 DU’s

20 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 70lbs

rest slow spin on bike 3-5 min bt sets

2:54-2:56-3:15 – that damn 70 lb db got heavy…..that took more out of me than anything. Was done with the bike around 55ish seconds, except for the 3rd set – that set was a little longer, just couldn’t keep the wattage in the 500 range….dubz ub on all sets. Stomach did start cramping when i went to pick up the db on set 3 but grinded through that.

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