Wednesday – 6/16/2021 – TTT

6/16 (easier day, with volume)

I feel like the swim yesterday early and using the rest of the day to refuel and mentally reset was exactly what i needed. Body is feeling closer to where it needs to be. And i have an adjustment scheduled for today. The shoulder that has been achy since the qualifier is feeling closer to 100%, it has not effected me when i sleep on it the past couple of days and just realized it last night. So mentally and physically back in line and heading in the right direction. Now to make sure hydration and proper fuel timing is also back where it needs to be.


Every 4 min x 3-4

Row 500m @ 1:52-1:54/500m

1:52.7 – 1:51/8 – 1:51.2 – 1:51.1 – all numbers a few ticks ahead of target pace and it felt kind of easy today. So this was a good feeling and exactly what I needed. 

+ (rest as needed)

Every 4 min x 3-4

Bike erg 1k @ 1:58-2:02/1km

1:57.8 – 1:56.3 – 1:55.3 – 1:54.2 – definitely faster than goal paces by a few seconds, what i did after the first set was I didn’t look at the monitor and just looked at the clock and rode. I was just trying to find a natural pace and cadence with breathing and effort

+ (rest as needed)

Every 3 min x 3-4

Ski 500m @ 1:58-2:00/500m

1:59 – 1:57.9 – 1:58×5 – 1:57.9 – this was a little more work to hit this number than the previous too but i did find some good rhythm and cadence, i also rarely looked at the screen and just relied on sustainable efforts and stroke rate.


Ido Portal squat routine 2.0



Every 30 sec x 30

Squat snatch x 1 with 3 sec pause in bottom (light to moderate loading, positional work)

First 15 @ 135 – 2nd 15 @ 155 – 155 might have been a little bit heavy for this “light to moderate” loading but i was hungry to get back to training. 


Every 15 sec x 25

Power clean x 1 with 2 sec pause in catch with tension in hips and good footwork (light to moderate loading)

165 – at this pace not sure I would’ve been as productive with good positions at a little heavier so this was probably perfect


Every 60 sec x 20

Zombie squat x 3 (slow and controlled)

115 for 8 135 for 12 – probably could’ve gone heavier here as well but wasn’t sure with the overall number of squats but control and tempo felt good


Bottoms up KB OH carry x 30ft/side, rest 20 sec bt sides x 6 sets each

35 x 3 – 44 x 3 – the 44 got a little squirelly at times but still manage to keep control


Counterbalanced shrimp squat x 5 reps/side, rest 45 sec

Single leg BB hip thrusts x 8/side (pause at top, keep hips level throughout, rest 45 sec

Straight arm star plank x 15 sec/side, rest 45 sec x 4 sets

Single leg bb hip thrust was hard as shit, and star planks are not my favorite but 15sec is about the point of not feeling super weak and unathletic

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