Thursday – Saturday – 6/17 – 6/19/2021 – TTT


Active recovery

800m forward sled drag (sled + 90lbs)

rest 4 min

400m reverse sled drag

rest 4 min

800m forward sled drag

Plus mowing the yard


Quick footnote – since i have to schedule pool time so far in advance i went ahead and went with my am pool session, i primarily did technique work and accumulated some good volume but nothing too intense at all. 


A – Front Squat @ 30X1 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (find a tough working load at this tempo and rep range by the last set)

245 – and this was pretty close to max effort, i don’t think there was much more in the tank at this moment.

B – Strict press @ 31X3 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (find a tough working load at this tempo and rep range by the last set)


C1 – BB Bent over rows with pronated grip x 8-10, rest 1 min


C2 – Top to top DB alternating Z-press from straight leg seated x 12 reps (6/side), rest 1 min x 3 sets

35 across – should’ve gone for 40 across

D1 – Straight arm side plank x 30 sec/side, rest 30 sec bt sides


D2 – Landmine goblet hold alternating cossack squat x 10 reps (5/side), rest 90 sec x 3 sets


PM (power work) – (aka everything hurts and i’m dying)

2 sets

Bike 10 cals @ 600-800 watts

12 bar facing burpees

12 power snatches @ 95lbs

12 bar facing burpees

Bike 10 cals @ 500+ watts

rest 3 min bt sets


+ (rest as needed)

2 sets

Ski 12 cals @ 1300-1500 cal/hr

15 GHD situps

50ft HSW

15 GHD situps

Ski 12 cals @ 1200+ cal/hr

rest 3 min bt sets

3:54 – 4:07 – i don’t know if we want to look at my ski technique, but i feel hitting numbers on the ski erg is one of the harder things for me to do. I was able to hit the numbers when i used the wide arching/loop recovery motion but at that cadence it didn’t feel sustainable. 

+ (rest as needed)

2 sets

Row 20 cals @ 1500-1700 cal/hr

15 thrusters @ 95lbs

30 chest to bar pullups

15 thrusters @ 95lbs

Row 20 cals @ 1400+ cal/hr

rest 3 min bt sets

4:30 and then death became me 6:15 i think. I flat out died, i didn’t want to push, i didn’t have confidence in ub thrusters, i died on the first portion of the rower. It was just a rough finish to what was the start of a decent day.



tttTD (AMRAP 15 min)

9 even – this was the kind of workout i needed after this week. This is isn’t the best score but it wasn’t because of heart rate as a limiter. My heart rate was high the whole time and was fine working there. I just felt my leg endurance was my limitation. I knew the box jumps, even only at 10 would slow me down a little so i tried my best to just keep moving steady and smooth. Transitions were good, ohs speed slowed down for sure, first 2 rounds were about 1:10 & and slowed down for the 2nd because I knew at that point was going to have a hard time sustaining that. Legs felt heavy but tried to do 3 fast, 1 slow type of sequence. Felt some QL irritation towards the end, nothing to worry about moving forward, it was just enough to notice it was there and be an annoyance. 

+ (rest to recovery)

2 sets for times, first one @ smooth effort, second one @ race pace

HSW 50ft

Bear hug carry 50ft

5 sandbg over shoulder

15 burpees over sandbag

5 sandbag over shoulder

Bear hug carry 50ft

HSW 50ft

rest walk 5-6 min bt sets

5:04 & 3:47 – handstand walk on the first round felt like the fastest 50 i have ever done. The first set i tried to find a rhythm on burpee and it felt pretty solid actually that helped when i went into the 2nd set. It didn’t specify but to standardize i did a sandbag facing burpee. On the 2nd set, i even did a tng sandbag over shoulder out of the first walk.


Road bike 45-60 min, work turns, gear shifts, change of direction, downhill and uphill, etc

Hit a trail and got some good pracitice changing gears and managing some uphills and downhills but not much opportunity to to work on drastic change of direction. Then the bike michelle was on got a flat tire so that led to a very unknown and unknowable task of a 1 mile walk back.

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