Saturday – 7/3/2021 – TTT


tttTD (100’s, HSW/T2B/WB)

19:12 – first handstand walk might be the best 100ft stretch i have had, I had 75ft done at 50 seconds, took a few breaths before i finished that. Felt a little stiff in my TTB, i had a good warm up but I guess not enough attention to detail of making sure my pecs were opened up enough, had a good plan and around the 50 rep mark I started wanting to be a little more conservative. Each transition was really good into the next movement, so as I finished my TTB in the mid 8 min range got my first 25ft right away, and the next 75 just chipped away, I wanted to start a new set every 30sec, and after hitting 50ft i thought that might be too aggressive, so went about 40/45. The first 10 wall balls were just like i expected, more work and demand for my shoulders. So after that first 10 my plan was to treat the remaining reps in 3 30 reps clusters were i did 15, short rest, and 5’s for short rest, and a little longer break after each 30. I wasn’t paying attention to the clock but i’m sure those breaks were longer than they needed to be, but after finishing those 100 i came down on my first two 25ft attempts so from that point, i just decided that i needed to take a little more time to finish


5 rounds for time

Run 400m

10 deadlifts @ 275lbs

10 bench presses @ 155lbs

15:14 – ran at home so there was some small elevation changes which was actually good practice because after the 1st round i told myself to really push the run when you are going down hill and grind uphill, the hills were minimal but definitely there and noticeable, the one things i wanted to focus on and practice was running right to the barbell for the deadlift, no walking up to it, just running right to it and going unbroken. I went unbroken on the first and last 2 bench press, don’t think i needed to break on the 2nd set but definitely needed to on the 3rd and the 4th, on the 4th i took 2 really quick breaks because i wanted to fight and grind for unbroken on the last set and try and pick up the pace. This was a fun workout!

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