Monday – 7/5/2021 – TTT


For time

42-30-18 reps each

Row cals

1-arm DB alternating hang snatches

Flipped these 2 sessions due to some day scheduling conflicts that just made it more logistically efficient in my day. Hope that’s cool.

7:42 – i didn’t really know how to approach this as far as pacing on the erg went, and i probably could’ve been a little more aggressive. Originally i was going to break maybe once in the db of 42 but in the heat of battle said nope, lets go for it. First round of 42, approached in 3 different sections. Wanted to go hard on the first 14 calories and hard turned out to be staging around 1500-1600+, then in the middle 14 stayed around 1400, and the last 14 backed off to about 1200-1300, i thought the db was going to feel a little tougher, so should’ve stayed around 1300-1400 for the last portion of that row. Approached the round of 30 cals with the same mindset, I actually got the rower up to where i wanted to be pretty quickly but pace stayed more in the 1400-1500 and then backed off to about 1300-1400 but didn’t take the cruise route as i did in the first block of cals, the round of 30 db snatch was the hardest, my speed of rep/cycle time slowed down between 12-20 and the last 10 just told myself i have to go. The round of 18’s, i don’t really remember just pushed with what i had left. 


Every 5 min x 5 sets

20 wallballs @ 30lbs

20 GHD situps

20 bar facing burpees

(if you spill over and rep speed/intensity drops off a lot, double the rest on that set then try to get back into it)

2:47-2:50-2:51-3:27 (rested twice as long) 3:07 – it was the ghd that crept up on me and effected my speed on my burpee…….Also on the first 3 rounds, i actually slowed my burpee down just a bit for the last 5-6 reps or so with the idea of staying fast, sustainable and not spilling over.

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