Friday – 7/16/2021 – TTT


Paddleboard 800-1000m for efficiency

rest 5 min x 3-4 sets, pending distances and timing

Still might be able to get on the water tonight, but will also help with some gym transition work.


Split jerks – 10 singles @ 84-88%, tech focus at a higher percentage, keep footwork crisp, rest as needed

From 230-245 – this was exactly what i feel my jerk has been needing


Front squats x 10 @ 185lbs (can take from rack), rest 30 sec

30ft dbl DB OH lunge @ 50/hand (play around with positioning, try to get some where you’re pressing them together like we talked about at camp), rest 3:30 x 3 sets

I did not like trying to press the db’s together. What felt the best is having the bulk of the db behind my center of mass


For time

10 1-arm DB power clean/push jerk @ 100lbs (5/side then switch)

40ft HSW (unbroken)

10 deficit kipping HSPU (4in)

40ft HSW (unbroken)

10 1-arm alternating snatches @ 100lbs

40ft HSW (unbroken)

10 deficit kipping HSPU (4in)

40ft HSW (unbroken)

13:50 there was some major victories here and some lessons learned…..for starters it wasn’t until my last db clean/push jerk that i learned how to be more efficient and effective, but i wasn’t about to start over just to prove to myself. That took the longest of everything the first 5 reps were done in about 1:21 and then the 2 missed reps really cost me even more time so finished here about 3:15ish. Last rep, on my right side i had a really good position where the heel of my hand was able to apply the most force, kind of a theory i had learned when throwing a punch and being supported by the ulna and it clicked right there at that last moment. I also missed 2 jerks on the right hand none on the left but the misses were due to not a good rack position and the longer i was in the rack the less likely i was to finish that rep. All hs walks done up my driveway and unbroken on all, however on the 3rd set – i could feel how hot the driveway asphalt was (i did wear gloves), and on the last walk i felt the good old blister starting to form but i was so close and wanted to be stubborn and finish the walk. Hs push ups werent fast but all unbroken and really made sure that i kipped first before pressinig. Db snatch, as soon as i positioned the db with a pronated grip I started moving it fast and efficiently but that wasn’t until rep 5 and then at that point was able to not rest but switching hands on the ground.

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