Saturday – 7/17/2021 – TTT


Every 6 min x 4 sets

50 heavy cable DU’s

15 power snatches @ 95lbs

30 GHD situps

5 power snatches @ 155lbs

15 bar facing burpees (keep a good turnover here, chest to ground quick in that pseudo worm technique, push these knowing there’s rest coming)

4:22 – 4:19 – 5:13 – 5:44 – it was the combo of the power snatch/ghd that started eating my lunch. Also, not sure if it was just this surreal feeling of being in the gym that is completely stripped of 99% of it’s equipment or not my normal breakfast, but didn’t feel 100% today. Just a lot going on with the gym move and I know my body feels good but know we are pushing it hard. Also with the gym situation I didn’t want to risk their desire to break down the rig they left for me so I went ahead and did the deadlift muscle up part right after this. Not ideal for performance but gave me a good change to push through the challenge. 


Clean and jerk gauntlet

1 rep every 90 sec until failure. start at 225lbs, add 10lbs/make, have someone help you load weights if able

Went ahead and did this at home, not enough waits left at the gym or bars so just loaded up the bar in the garage. 275 was solid, 285 was a grind out of the whole and missed the jerk


Squat snatch speed ladder

1 rep each @ 145/165/185. rest as needed after

1 rep each @ 155/175/195. rest as needed after

1 rep each @ 165/185/205.

Only one bar used at home which i know takes away the stimulus but I think i did good for having to deal with that, 41 – 51 – and 1:41 – one miss @ 205 and I think I was just tired. Between sessions today and trying to help out at the new facility. 


For time

12-9-6 Deadlifts @ 315lbs

6-9-12 Ring MU

10:13 – set of 12 unbroken on the deadlift, might not have been the smartest thing but also, when there is no rubber matting you get ZERO energy from the ground, and gained a whole new appreciation for rubber matting. Muscle ups felt a little off, but since there was only a small piece of the rig left, the rings played a little different so was just working on managing this and having a strategy to deal with that in the workout. The round of 9 i really found my kip and hip extension so quite a few of those felt really good. And into the set of 12 just tried sense of urgency strategies and sets that I didn’t have to rest long.

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