Friday 2/4/2022 – Tuesday 2/8/2022


Back squats – 6 sets of 3, rest 2 min

275 across – might have had a set or 2 at 285 and maybe a 295, but speed was very good on all of these.


Every 6 min x 6 sets (3 of each)

Odd sets – 30 GHD situps + 3 rope climbs + 30 pistols

Even sets – 20 row cals + 30 wallballs + 20 row cals

GHD sit ups are still a no go, but today I was able to do all reps on a decline bench so that is progress from the past that i wasn’t able to do. First set of rope climbs was sloppy and out of control, and then after that cleaned it up a little but was definitely rusty. The negative is still the height of the climb is no more than 12’, but what I did practice after that first set was not letting go of the rope when i was standing on the ground, this was very hard for me, but a skill I have never had so even though the negative of the rope being too short I found a way to allow myself to work on being better. Wall ball today, i did the 30 pounder, i just knew with having to do the decline sit up and not so tall rope climbs I needed to make an adjustment that would really challenge me and it did big time. Plus we have done a lot of 30lb work this off season and recently we did a 20 and I loved how light it felt so wanted to keep honing in that sensation. 


Gliding hamstring curls with bar in rack, feet on bench – 4 sts of 5-6. rest as needed but during rest time accumulate 30 sec parallette L-sit

Love the gliding hamstring curl and the L-sit is an absolute no go. This is what caused the flare up in the first place and attempted it for about .3 seconds and it let me know it’s not ready for that. 



12min AMRAP:

2 Rounds of:

50′ DB FRWL @ 50lbs (adjust this to 15 dbl DB front rack squats if lunges arent feeling good)

8 Wall Walks


2 Rounds of:

50′ DB FRWL @ 50lbs (same adjustment as above if needed)

16 Kipping HSPUs

So i went to knoxville this weekend and took my db’s so had all intentions to get after this. But one problem with it all, it would have to be done outside and the temperature was not conducive to a great training environment. Needless to say i did it, but i didn’t worry so much about a clock but tried to move with a sense of urgency. This was also a good set up for confidence in my hip/ab issue. The lunging didn’t feel great in the beginning but i was able to do it and the pain went away. There is not a great wall do do either gymnastics movements on and it is on the cement, but i also had many layers on to make sure the concrete didn’t tear me up. Wasn’t the best case but I at least got some work in here. 

+ (rest as needed)

A. Squat Snatch: 1 rep every 45-60 sec @ 70-75% x 8-12 reps – moderate load/speed focus

B. Split Jerk w/ 1 sec pause in dip: 6-10 singles @ 70-80%; rest 60-90 sec b/t reps for quality

C. Wall Walks; 30 Sec on, 30 sec off for 8 sets

No access to barbell today and by the time i got done i was so freezing cold that i opted to call it. 

2/6 – OFF

2/7 (compete overlap)

A. Find a Max of the following complex – Open 21.4 Complex:

1 Deadlift + 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 S2O

245 – missed 255 as the clean pulled me forward just enough to not be able to stand it up


B. OHS @ 2111: 6,4,2; rest 2-3 min – Heavier than 2 weeks ago across all 3 sets

165-195-225 – actually surprised myself at the 225 load, a little forward on both standing up but not so much that i lost it. Might have had to hold more like 2 seconds before starting the 2nd rep just because of it going forward but tempo down and 1 second hold in the bottom were on point. 


For time


DL @ 225


BJO @ 24in

6:03 – the deadlift got me today. And today I was not functioning at 100%, very very off. Hspu UB, box jumps I did my damndest to keep moving. I started out lateral jumps but I would’ve hit a wall way too fast there so quickly adjusted to a facing with a quick pivot and turn around on top and lateral over on the set of 9. Deadlifts 21 ub and on the 15 and 9 was just survival, i got my first set in with a quick transition after the box jump over but didn’t have it today


Bike 3-2-1 breathing progression


Row 30 sec on, 30 sec off x 8

*score = lowest cal count on any round

13 – the quick pull the last second did save me a few rounds and i tried for the life of me to hit 14 cals on the last round. I will look back at the monitor to see the avg pace over the course of all sets but tried to make all long strong strokes and hang out around 28-29 spm. 

+ (rest as needed)

Bike 30 sec on, 30 sec off x 8

*score = lowest cal count on any round

12 – all rounds but 2 were 13, and the last round was 14. Counted no roll over and this blew up my legs and would have rather rowed 8 more rounds than have done this one. This was yuck


3 rounds @ cooldown effort

Row 500m

Bike 1000m


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