Friday & Saturday – 2/25/2022 & 2/26/2022

Open workout 22.1

8+1 – 241 – was pretty disappointed in myself after and feel this is pretty average. But calmed down a little and move on. This isn’t a great score i know but pretty sure it will be enough so ready to move on. Knee is a little achy after that fact but will be fine. Elbow is a little irritated from the snatch but that’s nothing new so we are good otherwise. Haven’t watched video yet and i’m sure it would frustrate me even more. My self diagnosis is transitions were good but getting back to the wall started to bleed a second or two in the last few rounds, some becuase i could feel being dizzy as shit. I know a few rounds of wall walks I had to take a few breaths and hand on the db but not picking it up immedeately. Box jump was just all over the place, started breaking them up but I felt a lack of coordination on some that weren’t smooth and lost balance a rep or two here and there.


Machine based cooldown (8-10 min bike/row ski)


Back decompression

Wall assisted glute bridge hold x 60 sec, rest 2 min x 2-3, tuck your pelvis under and pull down on wall through hamstrings –


A1 – Ostrich walk 50ft, rest 30 sec

A2 – Quadruped rock backs x 6-8, rest 30 sec

A3 – Pigeon pose hold 30 sec/side, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

This felt amazing

B – Russian baby makers x 5 reps for tension in bottom of squat and hamstring release at top, 3 sets

Good stuff

C – Prone scorpion twists x 4/side + Supine scorpion twists x 4/side + 90/90 shin box switch x 4/side, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

Perfect back decompression

2/26 (support/recovery focus)

3 times through, easy effort

Bike 800m

Ski 400m

Row 400m

It took 2 and a half rounds to loosen up and feel like blood was flowing to the low back


3 times through, for quality

Banded psoas march from supine x 6/side

Band resisted hip thrusts from bench x 12 (squeeze butt at top)

Star plank x 10 sec/side

The banded psoas felt really good and minimal ab/hip discomfort and got better each set.


4 sets, not for time

Forward bear crawl 50ft

Reverse bear crawl 50ft

Crab walk 50ft

2 min easy bike

Crab walks never get easy.


3 times through for quality

Empty bar tempo OHS @ 3232 x 3 (each rep is 10 sec)

40 DU’s

5 strict pullups with controlled negative

40 DU’s

This felt really good to sweat and move with some focus on quality

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