Monday – Wednesday – 3/21/2022 – 3/23/2022


KOT full protocol, precede with reverse sled drag



4 rounds for times

5 ring MU

10 burpees to 12in touch

20 wallballs (cut depth if needed)

60ft HSW (30ft out and back)

rest bike 2 min bt sets

4:23-4:27-5:09-4:58 – the hs walk was the major bottleneck here, all mu unbroken, burpee speed felt good until the 3rd  set but felt i picked it back up in set 4, broke the wall ball in set 3 and 4 to hope to save the hsw a little. My confidence for huge wall ball ses isn’t where I want it to be but that will come with squatting volume. 


Dbl KB front rack wall sit at parallel x 45 sec, rest 2:15 x 5 sets

Fudge, all mental, and 45sec feels like a long ass time


Nordic curls or GHD raises – accumulate 35 reps not for time but for quality

Glute ham raises in sets of 9


5 shoulder to overhead @ 155lbs, rest 30 sec

12 bar facing burpees FAST, rest 30 sec

80 Double Unders for time, rest as needed x 3 sets

Barbell felt great, sto at this load hasn’t felt this smooth and easy in a long time, push pressed majority of them – burpee times – 30-29-29 – dubz – 40-41-41 – rested 2:40 on each set – this high respiration rate felt good, probably a little higher than it should be from dubz but happy to be able to do them pain free


4 Sets:

20 Cal C2 Bike

20 Cal Row

20 Cal Ski

20 Cal Echo Bike

rest 3-5min bw sets

Set 1 @ 75% and build each set to a maximal effort

5:23-5:01-4:30-4:01 – wasn’t really sure where to pace at all for these building sets so the first one might have been more like 65-70% and really wanted sub 4 on the last, but the transition from ski to echo got me with not finishing full pulls to fnish


KOT full protocol, precede with reverse sled drag



EMOM x 12

Min 1-4: Squat snatch triples


Min 5-8: Squat snatch doubles


Min 9-12: Squat snatch singles

185 across – had one miss and it was mental and technique so did an extra single at the end


AMRAP 12 min

3 rope climbs to 15ft

12 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 70lbs

24 row cals

3+17 – legless rope climb with no jump to 12’ – the 70lb db ate my lunch. I had a hard time finding a rhythm with switching in the air, i tried lowering to the shoulder, and switches in the air but always got thrown off a little so just switched on the ground. Row pace wasn’t where it needed to be, had to take a 30sec chunk rowing in the 1000/1100 before i could up the pace where it needed to be. No elbow issues and legless (i’ll be it shorter) actually felt really good.

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