Saturday & Monday – 2/11/2023 & 2/13/2023



For Time

30 Box Jumps (24in)

15 Snatch (75lb)

30 Box Jumps (24in)

15 Snatch (95lb)

30 Box Jumps (24in)

10 Snatch (135lb)

30 Single-Leg Squats

10 Snatch (185lb)

30 Single-Leg Squats

5 Snatch (225lb)

30 Single-Leg Squats

5 Snatch (245lb)

Time cap: 20 minutes

200 reps – i’m actually pretty pleased with my effort here, I pretty much knew where i was going to finish but wanted to push the pace up until then for the most part. I tried to remember splits but i lost my memory recall as soon as i finished. 75 pound load unbroken, 95 pounds load done in 9 &6 with an 8 sec break between. 135 load was the first 5 reps drop and hands on, about an 8-9 sec break and then tried to hit one rep every 5 sec. 185 load was trying to hit one rep every 12 sec and that went to 15 sec but the last 3 reps i slowed down because i wanted to be smooth through the pistols and have an honest shot at hitting 225, but at that point just didn’t have the leg drive i needed. Pistols felt much smoother today.  


Outdoor walk 2-3k, mix in some backwards walking to help flush legs from the TD

Took the dog on a second post workout walk

2/12 – OFF

2/13 (Compete overlap)

A. Squat Clean/Jerk: 3 singles @ 80-83%; 2 @ 87%; 1-2 @ 90-92%+; rest as needed

235 x 3 – 245 x 2 -255 x 2

B. Split Jerk w/ 1 sec pause in dip: 6-10 singles @ 70-80%; rest 60-90 sec b/t reps for quality


C. FS: 5,4,3,2,1; rest as needed – 80,84,88,92,94%



2 Rounds for Time:

6 Ring Muscle Ups

36 Wall Balls

72 Double Unders

6:12 – was not clean on both sets of dubz, broke twice on the first one, and once on the 2nd

rest 7min

2 Rounds for Time:

14 CTB Pull-ups

18 DB Hang Power Clean and Jerk (9/arm) @ 50lbs

50′ SA DB OHWL # 50lbs (must switch arms at 25′ mark)


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