Tuesday & Wednesday – 2/14/2023 & 2/15/2023


Row Cals, for Total Time:


Rest exactly 1:1 between sets

**So, if the set of 10 cals takes 25 seconds, you will rest exactly 25 seconds before starting the set of 20 calories

20:37 total time (10:18 total row time – avg cal/hr pace 1432 – i decided i wanted to get a little uncomfortable here and was very happy with my effort, the only real fall off on pace was in the set of 50 and the set of 30 on the back end felt like the hardest because it was just long enough that it had to be high end sustainable power but still short enough that I needed to at least sprint a little bit


A1 – Dbl DB bench press x 8-10 @ 60-70lbs per hand, rest 30 sec

70 x 10 – my bicep tendon didn’t love the build up and wam up to getting set up but was fine under the load of 70

A2 – Parallette pushups x 10-12, rest 2:30 x 3 sets


B1 – Strict chest to bar pullups x 3-6, rest 30 sec


B2 – Stirct chin over bar pullups x 3-6, rest 30 sec


B3 – Strict band assisted chest to bar pullups x 8-10 reps for speed, rest 2:30 x 3 sets


C – KB TGU x 20 alternating reps for quality @ 24kg

This was just a long slow grind


EMOM 12 min

1- 7 power snatches 75lbs + 3 BMU

2- 10 bar facing burpees

3- 7 thrusters 75lbs + 25 foot hs walk

4- rest

*45 Sec cap per minute

ps/bmu was done around 26-28sec – burpee done around 21-22, and thruster/hs walk was around 28-29


EMOM x 12 min

1 – Row 15 cals

2 – 15 russian swings

3 – Ski erg 12 cals

4 – 15 ab mat situps

This was sneakier than i expected


Echo bike 30 sec on @ 85-90%, 30 sec rest x 6

Tried to keep wattage in the upper 400’s/lower 500’s

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