Tuesday – 3/7/2023

6 min AMRAP:


Strict L-Pull-Ups

24ft HS Walk (12ft down & back)

2 reps into the 10 – i was trying to have a beautiful L that would make a gymnast proud, and that got taxing. Also was very careful on hs walk. I felt it more in my joints than i did in my shoulder


3 sets – Shoulder Health:

Seated Elbow on Knee Banded External Rotations @ 2020: 10-12 reps/side

Standing Elbows @ 90 Deg Banded External Rotations @ 2020: 10-12 reps/side

Prone Shoulder Swimmers: 6 reps, very slow & controlled w/very light plates in hand

Rest as needed for quality

Like a mentioned the other day, sagittal plane work is fine, it’s getting out of that and some life stuff that hurts. Elbow on knee was ok and was fine after i got warmed up, standing external started out at about a 6 out of 10, but i got closer with less band tension and that helped with some blood flow that it was down to a 2 on the last 2 sets


2-3 Sets @ smooth, sustainable effort:

2:00 Row building from 65-85% effort across the interval

Rest 1 Min, then….

:30 bar facing burpees – 12-13-13

:30 Double Unders – 45-42-45

:30 toes to bar – 16-17-18

:30 Bike for cals – 12-8-9

Rest to recovery

The first set of bike i used the bikes 30sec and that hurt deep in my heart and soul and a little nasty lung burn, so from that point on i decided i would go on the interval clock 30sec (i’m ok missing 3-4 seconds in transition of getting the machine started lol) – TTB first set i didn’t have any chalk otherwise i couldn’ve got more, second set i was losing grip but felt strong on the 3rd


10-15 Minute easy cyclical cooldown


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