Monday – 3/6/2023


I was really afraid that my shoulder was going to have to force me into a decision for to call it a season or not. But today, it still hurt a little, but after doing a very therapy based shoulder prep/warm up the barbell overhead felt fine. A light of banded time under tension pressing focus really helped it feel pretty good. I’m still no where near 100%, but, I went from grim to positive today.

A. Hang Power Snatch + OHS.Power Snatch + OHS; 1 complex on the 2min for 6 sets (light load – technique focused)

135 – and all positions felt good

B. Clean Pull; 3×3; rest 2min


C. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 8 reps/leg x 3 sets; rest 1min bw legs

Weights are per hand with db’s – 50-60-65


30min Clock:

2min Row @ easy effort

100′ Duck Walk

20 Sec Ring Support Hold

2min Bike @ easy effort

100′ Horse Walk

20 Sec Bent Arm Pull-up Hold

2min Ski @ easy effort

100′ Ostrich Walk

20 Sec Hollow Hold

20 Sec Side Plank R

20 Sec Side Plank L

I normally like ostrich walk, but make someone do 100ft of them, they go pretty high up on the list of shit to not like. The bent pull-up hold’s were really tough for 20sec but the isometric contraction felt really good.

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