Wednesday 8/2/2023 – Saturday 8/5/2023


Pec Rehab

1. DB Bench (2020): 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 minutes.

2. Flat Bench DB Pec Fly into 90/90: 2-3 x 8-12 reps, rest 30-60s.

*Light loading / sub 10# db

3. Bottom of Ring Push-up Hold (as low as possible): 2-4 sets x 10-20s hold, rest 30-60s.

4. Seated Overhead Med Ball Throw: 3-5 x 3-5, rest 30-60s.


EMOM x 16

Mins 1-4: 3 power snatches – 155

Mins 5-8: 3 power cleans (add 20-30lbs) – 185

Mins 9-12: 1 squat snatch (same bar as power cleans) – 185

Mins 13-16: 1 squat clean (add 20-30lbs) – 215


1 strong front squat every 2 min x 4



GHD sorenson hold, 3 sets of 70 sec, rest as needed

I made up for my lack of umph last week by hitting 75 on all sets

8/3 – OFF




Ruck walk 5 miles (conversational effort)


1 round for time

55 deadlifts @ 225lbs

55 wallballs

55 row cals

55 HSPU (open ’23 standard)

14:59 – deadlift – my current mental toughness and high output capacity isn’t primed quite yet. Best example was right out the gate in deadlifts. I tried to take smaller sets and short breaks and felt that a bit fatiguing around the reps of 28. At that point I don’t have the mental toughness to push through that level of discomfort. It wasn’t terrible but where I want it to be. Walk balks we’re descent. Small sets and shirt breaks with 1 linger break and one more to turn on rower. Row was a fight to stay above 1100, just didn’t feel powerful to get and keep it much higher. It took me over 5 minutes to finish hspu. No pain, some trepidation but not enough to be scared of pushing it there. Biggest weakness I felt there was lockout strength and lockout endurance past rep range of 28/30….didn’t have a plan here just went and broke when I felt like I was coming close to failure. Also something to mentally work on, I know this is a more regional/local movement so being out of breath here should not impede my pushing the limits but wasn’t comfortable out of breath, and started getting really dizzy but I think that is more the congestion I’ve been experiencing. 


Bike erg 1k @ strong effort

new set every 4 min x 5 (get faster with each one, but make sure the first is a little uncomfortable still


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