Wednesday – 8/9/2023


Pec Rehab

1. DB Bench (2020): 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 minutes.

2. Flat Bench DB Pec Fly into 90/90: 2-3 x 8-12 reps, rest 30-60s.

*Light loading / sub 10# db

3. Bottom of Ring Push-up Hold (as low as possible): 2-4 sets x 10-20s hold, rest 30-60s.

4. Seated Overhead Med Ball Throw: 3-5 x 3-5, rest 30-60s.



Every 3 min x 12 (3 times through) 

Set 1 – Echo bike 15 cals + 80ft heavy dbl farmer carry – 80’s….heaviest matching bells I had access to. 

Set 2 – Row 15 cals + 40ft heavy back rack yoke + 270 on yoke. Not sure of yoke weight 

Set 3 – Ski 15 cals + 30-40 sec heavy sandbag bear hug hold 150 and it hurt 

so you were good at math one point i’m pretty sure being an engineer……I mean 3 sets x 12 is 4 of each not 3 times through just saying. So i did 12 intervals, and the sandbag bear hug was by far the hardest, row was holding around 1300, ski was holding around 1200, echo was off (i think) around 40-ish pace on rounds 1-2&3 were pretty consistent, but i felt a slight drop off in the 4th time through


BB landmine single arm turkish situps x 6-8/side, rest 1 min

Single leg BB landmine hip thrusts x 6-8/side with good squeeze at top, rest 1 min x 4 sets

So the turkish sit up felt a slight pain/discomfort on my left arm and was just a struggle positionally and that slight discomfort. Got 2 sets and pivoted to db

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