Friday 8/11/2023 – Saturday 8/12/2023




Ruck walk 6 miles (conversational effort)

Did not get full 6 miles in, only had time for about 45 minutes


3 sets for max reps:

AMRAP UB Strict Wall Facing HSPU’s


Rest 30 sec



Rest 30 sec

15 Kip HSPU’s (open standard)

Done – times went from 20sec-ish, to 27 – 32 i think 

Rest 4-6 minutes



AMRAP 10 min

Amrap unbroken cluster (sc + thruster) @ 135lbs

10 Bar facing pogo burpee

*score is # of clusters

30 – I did myself no favors early on as the bar slipped out of my hand, it wasn’t because of grip though, in my set up to pull my foot didn’t move right away so I kind of tripped and bailed on the bar. Also, if I would be in a killer instinct right now, I could’ve pushed my last 10 burpee harder and given myself a bit more time to accumulate as the time went away but I wasn’t willing to suffer today. 

+ (rest as needed)

Bike erg 1.25k @ strong effort

new set every 4 min x 5 (get faster with each one, but make sure the first is a little uncomfortable still


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