Monday 4/29 – Saturday 5/4/2024


A. Snatch: 3,3,3,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min b/t sets – 80-84% for triples; 86% for doubles – quick reset b/t reps 


B. Back Squat: Build to an 8RM for the day; Max of 3 sec b/t reps

275 this was my goal hope and target and not sure there was 5 more pounds in the tank by the last rep but pretty happy with that


EMOM x 9

Min 1: 4 1-arm alternating DB Squat Snatch – build to a heavy DB (70-80-90)

Min 2: 4 1-arm DB OHS/side – building to a heavy DB (65-70-80)

Min 3: 4/side 1-arm DB shoulder to overhead – building to a heavy DB (65-50-50) – this was still a little painful in the rack position coming off the shoulder so actually backed off

3 Sets: 

3 min AMRAP: 

5 Bar Facing Burpee

5 power snatch 135lbs

5 Front Squats @ 135lbs

rest 1 min bt sets

3+6 — 3+3 — 3 – this was nasty and gnarly


2 sets for quality:

14 Patrick Step Ups/side

Side Plank Clamshell Iso Hold/side: 30 sec hold; 60 sec rest b/t every 20 seconds

Rest as needed b/t each



1 set

5min Row @ 20 strokes/min, pace around 2:05-2:10/500m

5min Backward walk (light sled drag if possible) 

5min Box Breathing (4 in / 4 hold / 4 out / 4 hold)

Done – the perfect end to the training day


A. Split Jerk: 3,2,1,3,2,1; Rest 2 min b/t sets – Blocks allowed this week, 75,80,85%; 77,82,87% 1RM SJ


B. Push Press: 4,4,4,4; Rest 2 min b/t sets – Building sets, brief pause/reset ok, final set heaviest

135-155-175-195 – only the set at 195 was a grind and wasn’t painful – or the pain was low on the scale


2 sets:

C1. DB Bench Press @ 2110: 8-10 reps – close to failure each set but stick to tempo – One head touches chest at bottom, one head touches together at top

Rest 20 sec


C2. Strict HSPUs; 20 for time (1min cap) 

Rest 2 min

15 (10ub and then hit the wall 2/2/1) ——12


For time (16 min cap)

50 Crossover Singles 

40 Dual DB Hang Power Clean (50/35lbs)

60 Crossover Singles 

50 OHS 115/80

80 Crossover Singles 

60 TTB

So……it wasn’t until after the end of this and later in the day that I found out the proper counting of crossovers. I have only been counting when I crossover in the front, since I didn’t do quarters last year I never went through the rule book, so all this time i have thought i absolutely suck at crossovers and have been doing double the work. Needless to say i was pissed after this workout becuase once again my person was that i suck at Xover and then I was pissed b/c of learning that i have been doing double the work for a year now….i got 10 TTB in the 16 minutes


E1. V-ups; 15 reps x2; rest 60-90 sec

E2. Tall Plank Alternating Toe Touch; 20 reps (10/side) x2; rest 60-90 sec

E3. Leg Scissors w/mini band; 12-16 alternating x 2; rest 60-90 sec



A. Power Clean/push jerk x 3 reps – AFAP @ 80% 1RM PC, rest 90 sec x 3 sets




30 DU’s + 4 power snatches @ 155lbs

i wanted to see what was going to happen and did the first 2 sets as tng snatch and that might not have been the best strategy but thank goodness it was only 4 sets or else I would’ve died


3 rounds

50′ HSW

18-15-12 KB Deadlifts @ 70lbs/hand

6-5-4 Bar muscle ups

rest 6min

3 rounds

11 chest to bar pullups 

50′ FRWL @ 115lbs 

25 Cal C2 Bike

At this point i don’t remember my times but the first part was around 6-8 minutes and the second part was right at 10 and also had to use echo for the bike

5/2 – OFF

5/3 (rope climbs here)

4 rounds (18 min cap)

10 Shuttle Runs 

21 Wall Balls @ 20lbs 

14 GHD situps

7 Ring Muscle ups 

17:53 – longer transitions due to logistics but this was fun and really pushed it. Pace was high until last round when the ghdsu starting taking a toll. 


2 sets:

10 DBL DB Snatch @ 50lbs 

5 Rope Climbs 

100ft HSW for Time 

Rest as needed

This was choppy as i was still a little smoked from the first part, but rope climbs went well and hs walks was not so much


3 sets for elbow/wrist care:

Supinated Grip RDL @ 2020: 8-10 reps – light/moderate load

Pseudo Planche Push-Ups on Parallettes @ 2020: 8-10 reps

Banded Wrist Supinations/Pronations: 8-10 reps/side



20min Easy Bike – Nasal Breathing only 


A. Clean/Jerk: 6 Tech singles for the day – 2 @ 80%+; 2 @ 84%; 2 @ 86-90%; rest as needed


B1. Front Squat: 3,3,3 – 80-85%; Rest 60 sec


B2. Strict Press: 5,5,5 – 77-82%; Rest 3-4 min

95 strict press is the only movement that appears to create any level of discomfort on the shoulder…..any dynamic movement has created no pain just that initial press


Pistol Tech Work: 

25′ Duck Walk 

rest as needed 

6 Single Leg Deck Squats/leg 

rest as needed 

12-20 Banded Pistol Squats (set band at bottom of squat so you sit into band for assistance) 

rest as needed x 1-2 sets 



2 sets

15 Cal Ski Erg

15 Box Jump Overs (Step down) 

1min AMRAP Strict HSPUs 


Rest 3 min

15 Cal Ski Erg

100 Double Unders 

1min AMRAP Ring Dips (ensure your shoulders and pecs are WARM here)


Rest as needed to full recovery


Cool down @ easy effort

7 min walk

7 min row

7 min bike

5/5 – OFF

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