Monday – Training

Are you training for the big picture or training to win one event?

You only have a few more hours left if you want to go through 7 more minutes of burpee’s to improve your score.

Over the past couple of days I have witnessed tons and tons of burpee’s, and for even some of the ones I witnessed, it was their second attempt at 7 minutes. As I witnessed more and more athletes repeat their attempts and even appear to be frustrated with the attempts it began to rub me the wrong way. I believe in performance on demand, in a true competition you only get one shot and you should do it right the first time. I had to take a step back and evaluate. One, why would you do a workout twice? I have my beliefs, but I also know for myself, I want my one time to execute a workout to be on my terms. That means living in my bubble. My normal training time, under my normal training conditions, normal food intake, sleep, and the list could go on and on. I understand if you participate in some kind of local gathering or throwdown, the competitive environment is ideal, but how much out of your normal conditions is it? That is only left to be answered by you.

Is one more rep worth sacrificing another positive training session? Are you willing to take that risk? It’s about the big picture, and the realistic goal you have with yourself. I know where I’m at, I know where I want to be, where I expect to be, and know how hard I’m willing to work to go above and beyond that. Train to be the best athlete that you can be and if that leaves you to achieving your desired position than hell yeah!

Bottom line, don’t judge yourself on one event, task, or workout. It’s about where you are in the grand scheme of it all. For now, we won’t know that for another 5 weeks.

Games prep
A. Snatch 5 x 2 @ 80%, rest 90 sec.
B1. Snatch Pull; 3 x 4 @ 90%, rest 30 sec
B2. Glute-ham raise; 3 x 8, rest 45 seconds
C. Back Squat; 3 sets of 3 @ 75%, rest 60-90 sec.

Sled Walk (low hand inside leg position) 4 x 50m, 25 down

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