Friday – 5/13/2016 – TTT

PAILS/RAILS overhead shoulder flexion and sleeper stretch – 1 min – 10 sec @ 80% – 30 sec – 10 sec @ 80% (1 time through for each arm/stretch)sleeper stretch feels really good!


TGU – 20 alternating reps not for time @ 53lbs

not for time is perfect here for me so I don’t lose my focus with the TGU. 


3 rounds for time

Row 400m

12 C2B pullups

12 burpee over box (20in)


Holy shit this was hard. First of all, my phone said it was 100 degrees and I swear it was more than that. So that made it hard to breath and I have yet to acclimate to the increase in temp. My c2b’s felt so off. First 12 were unbroken and did not feel fluid at all. Broke them up after round 1, hand tolerance is not back yet either, felt a little more fluid in round round 3 back that’s because I took my time, but I’m sure following the row had something to do with it. The burpee box sucked the life out of me. 
I would like to forget that this workout never happened. 

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