Saturday – 5/14/2016 – TTT

AMRow 18 min @ 1:55-2:00/500m pace, hop off every 3 min to do 6 deadlifts @ 225lbs

heart rate stayed around 140, then to 150/160


20 min hip/hamstring mobility

A – Snatch – Build to 4 singles @ 85%, rest 2 min (stay in catch 2 sec each rep)

190 – felt confident and comfortable with load here. 

B – Clean x 1/Jerk x 2 – 4 complexes @ 80-85%, rest 3 min (stay in jerk position 2 sec each rep)

245 – did not feel confident and comfortable with the load. Did 1 power jerk and 1 split jerk. It was receiving the barbell after the first overhead that was off. Holding in the power jerk got challenging in set 3. Split did feel good, and felt decent speed under. 

C – Back Squat – 10 sets of 3 @ 70%, rest 90 sec

265 – felt fast, smooth and solid. Pretty happy that this felt the way 70% should feel. 

Had to do the following at home. 

D1 – Single leg glute airplanes x 3 SLOW rotations, rest 1 min (can hold on to support if needed)

D2 – Banded glute bridge hold x 30 sec, rest 1 min x 3 sets

E – Single arm farmer carry heavy 30 sec/side, rest 30 sec bt sides x 4 sets

since I had to do at home I only had access to a 2 pood kb. 

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