Friday – 10/5/2018 – TTT

A1 – Plate pressouts from squat hold x 8-10, rest 30 sec
A2 – Sandbag bear hug reverse lunges x 8-10 alternating steps, rest 45 sec
A3 – Goblet hold alternating cossack squats x 8-10, rest 60 sec x 3 sets
B1 – Band assisted squat jumps x 4-5 for max height, rest 30 sec (
felt like a kid jumping here

B2 – Seated box jump step down x 1.1.1, rest 8 sec/2 min x 3 sets (dont build for height here, try to land on box as tall as you can)
24” focused on landing with knees barely bent

C – Front squat autoregulated sets – 6 sets of 3 @ 7-8 RPE (2-3 reps in reserve each set)

D – BB hip thrusts x 12,12,8,8,20. rest 3 min

E – Wall assisted glute bridge hold with posterior pelvic tilt – 2 sets of 90 sec hold

For time
100 jumping air squats (jump = feet barely leave floor. make it burn)


I have a lot of questions about this, my heart rate was up, but I never felt major oxygen debt from breathing, what I did feel was that I thought I might have potentialed failed a jump Sqaut, don’t really know how that’s possible but that’s what I felt. I still once a week do some hypoxia drills so not sure if that played a role at all, but was amazed at the quad burn. It felt a lot like doing leg extension 21’s burnouts.

I started out with a set of 35 and thought man this isn’t bad, and then it hit me, then it was like 8-9 at a time and thought my quads were going to quit working.

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