Monday – 7/27/2020 – TTT

A – Hang squat snatch x 1/Snatch balance x 1/OHS x 1 – new complex every 3 min x 5. during rest times, accumulate some straight arm banded lat pulldowns and scap circles from standing with arms at sides and out in front

135-145-155-160-165 – footwork felt way off on the snatch balance, and I felt very stiff in the upper body. I’m sure there was still some left over residual from Saturday and sleep last night was probably about a 6/10. 15 banded lat pulldown and 5 scap circles of both movements both directions.


EMOM x 6

6 AB cals

1 squat snatch @ 165



EMOM x 6

4 bar facing burpees

1 squat snatch @ 185

Done but not crisp


EMOM x 6

1 squat snatch @ 205

Did not do today, just felt off at 185, and didn’t think this would go well


5 rounds for time

12 back squats from floor @ 165lbs

12 bar facing burpees

12 toes to bar

15:24, started the first 2 rounds with a good smooth pace and just hit a wall. It was hot and felt off and had a hard time pushing through the discomfort. In hindsight, about a week ago I got a digital bluetooth handheld dynamometer. Not the best quality but have been trying to get a couple of readings throughout the day and see what my numbers are. Well today, I had a hard time squeezing to get it up to my average pressure. Thought nothing of it, went to the gym about an 30 minutes later. I know this one squeeze does not tell the whole story. But with that reading and the quality of sleep, I wasn’t too bummed about the struggles of today’s training session.

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