Saturday – 7/25/2020 – TTT

tttTD (s2O/frontsq/BJO)

5 front squats @ 205 – This would be a scenario where a redo would be done. I was so worried about getting out of breath from the front squat to the box jump over that I over paced. I mean way too too conservative. The 3rd round took me around 6 minutes more give than take and because of my conservative round 1 and 2 I just didn’t leave myself enough time for the 4th round. I watched the video of #10 and just noticed all of the struggles and amounts people rested in between movements. This was quite intimidating and knowing box jumps normally eat my lunch. Not sure how long I rested bt front squat sets but the first 2 I did in 3 sets, probably should’ve done in 2 on the first and maybe even I 155, don’t think I would’ve been effected much different. I think at 175 I did 4/6/5.

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