Tuesday – 7/28/2020 – TTT

AB 60 cals @ 300-350 watts

rest 3 min x 3



Planche lean with active shoulders and midline x 30 sec, rest 30 sec

Sandbag bear hug good mornings x 6-8, rest 30 sec

Single arm DB farmer carry 50ft/side, rest 30 sec

Single arm KB bottoms up front rack carry 50ft/side, rest 30 sec

HS walk 50ft, rest 90 sec x 2-3 sets

2 sets because I felt I was going to be pressed for time. Hs walk on first set did 25/25 because there were some people in the way. But 2nd set was 50. Good morning was at 150, for some twisted reason I like sandbag bear hug good morning


Row 1k @ 1:54-1:56/500m pace

rest 3 min x 3



Dbl DB z-press from straight leg seated x 8-10, rest 30 sec

Banded high rows from straight leg seated x 12-15, rest 30 sec

Empty training bar ext rotation to OH press to straight arm negative x 5-6 slow reps, rest 30 sec (https://www.instagram.com/p/BeWqIMRlH9n/?hl=en&taken-by=defrancosgym)

Seal crawl 50ft with feet on slidesrs, rest 30 sec

Sliding lunge matrix x 3/direction/leg, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

Really like the barbell ext rotation to OH press exercise. 


Ski 1k @ 2:00-2:04/500m pace

rest 3 min x 3

Forgot to write down times but I know it was right at the 2:03-2:04 pace time

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