Wednesday – 7/29/2020 – TTT

For Time: 

9 Squat Cleans @ 185lbs

27 Pistols 

7 Squat Cleans 225lbs

21 Pistols 

5 Squat Cleans 245lbs

15 Pistols 

10:16 – the 225 barbell was much slower than I wanted, had a plan for the 245 and was good with it, but  had no plan at 225 and that is why I think time got away from me, and leg fatigue of course. Pistols were fine just not smooth and consistently crisp. was afraid of pushing too hard would really slow me down on the barbell. 245 felt good off the ground the first couple of reps but the squat felt tough and then felt stronger as I went. 


A1. Wall Ball; 30-40 UB reps @ 30/20# x 2 sets; rest 15 seconds 

A2. OHS; 12 reps for time @ 50% 1RM x 2 sets; rest 3min bw sets 

25 & 25 on wall balls – second set might have been 2-3 reps too many but wasn’t going to settle for less than the previous set. OHS was @ 135, most accurate current loading probably should’ve been 125ish but went here for convenience. 

Although this was really freaking hard, it had restored some faith of my struggles the last couple of days but that was before I went into the next piece.


3 Sets: 

15 Cal Ski 

15 STOH @ 135/95# 

30′ FRWL @ 135/95# 

15 C2B 

rest 120 seconds 

15 Cal Ski

100 Double Unders 

30′ DBL DB OH Walking Lunge @ 50/35# 

10 DBL DB Hang Clean and Jerk @ 50/35# 

rest 3-4min 


Shoulder Health Work 

I got 15 sto and about 4 lunge steps in and called it. It was very labored. I know this day was hard, and that is a lot of volume. It is also my day that I just don’t get as much sleep as my other days. But I’m getting a little worried on what might be going on. I’m showing no signs that are symptoms, the only big noticeable thing was on monday (maybe a little bit saturday but that was just really freaking hard and HOT!!!) is I feel I’m sweating more than I normally do. Now I don’t want to over react because it is the summer, we do live in the south so it is humid. I did feel good for the clean/pistol piece. And the Wall Ball/OHS felt pretty good too, however 25 might have been at/near my threshold making the OHS super tough, but that was what it was about. Breathing, position and smooth steady movement. The first one was the hardest b/c I really didn’t warm up for it which made the seconds one a little better. But going into the ski cal piece, my legs were shot, I was mentally tired and I felt it would be more of a risk to try and push through.

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