Friday – 7/31/2020 – TTT

Easy bike, 10 min


Unloaded glute airplanes x 3/side x 3 sets, pause at end range each direction


Lightly loaded side to side KB passes from single leg stance with 30 deg knee flexion x 6/direction/leg x 3 sets (change plate or light KB, pass back and forth in front of you and extend arm to side, then go back in other direction)

Absolutely loved this


Supine leg whips x 3/side x 3 sets, pause at end range, during rest time do standing banded adductions with controlled eccentric x 8-10/side, skinny band

Making sure to maintain good hip extension each rep, it’s easy to get lazy here but paying attention to it.


Side-lying clamshell pressups x 6/side x 3 sets, can use mini band around knees for extra resistance, during rest time do 30 frog pumps with pause at top

Good stuff – frog pumps → making sure to keep get posterior pelvic tilt


3x through, not for time

Single leg banded hamstring curls from prone x 10/side into both legs hamstring curls x 15

Reverse plank table top pressup with 3 sec hold at top of each x 6

Piked Knee extensions x 18-20 with good quad squeeze at top (  

add band as you’d like to chase a little more pump)

As soon as you find that right spot banded hamstring curls can be brutally tough. And the piked knee extensions are sneaky 


Easy bike 10 min

This was an amazing session. The perfect thing I needed. I was in a great headspace, the attention and focus on quality movement and breath control. Its a very humbling experience to feel off but can’t pinpoint why, and how that effects your mind state when your goals and your why are were they are, and then you get a chance to hit up a session that puts you in a mental place that everything feels better just because you feel you left the session so much better than when you started it.

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