Tuesday – 12/26/2017 – TTT

Glad Christmas is in the rear view mirror, no more cookies around and bad food. Perfect training design for today. I knew today would be a struggle with all the inflammatory foods I have been consuming, which was very relative in my performance and the perceived limiters.

16 bar facing burpees @ 93% effort, new set every 2:30 x 3

13 burpee box jump overs @ 24in, new set every 3 min x 3

In these two the limiter felt more LME than breathing.

10 dbl DB burpee box step over @ 50/hand to 20in box, new set every 3 min x 3
Those extra 2 made a difference today, and just found a better stepping rhythm

E4MOM x 4 sets
Row 50 cals
15 C2B pullups
Didn’t get many metrics on this, first 2 sets were solid. Kept rower around 1100. Round 3 keeping above 1000 didn’t happen a lot and round 4 took me about 3:20 to row the 50 cals. On the positive side of things went unbroken on all c2b, and the only ones that didn’t feel great were the last 5 reps but maintained rhythm the whole time so that’s the positive.

accumulate 60 GHD situps and 30 GH raises for quality, not for time

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Satruday – 12/23/2017 – TTT

5 min clock
Row 60 cals
Box jump step downs @ 24in in remaining time
(rest 5 min)
5 min clock
AB 50 cals
Toes to bar in remaining time
(rest 5 min)
5 min clock
Ski 40 cals
AMRAP bar MU in remaning time

2:52 – 42 box jumps
2:50 – 42 t2b (5-5-5-5-5-5-12)
2:33 – 8 bmu (4-2-2-x) should’ve stuck to my original plan of doing all 2’s. Had to rest too long after the aggressive set of 4. Also tried to start slowing down the ski because I could feel my abs from the t2b mixing that with the up and down and it wasn’t a good feeling at all. A little disappointed with the bmu, but I got in my own head a little bit as well and head some unnecessary negative self talk.

A1 – Band assisted tucked planche x 8-10 sec
A2 – Band assisted front lever pulls x 2-3
A3 – Hands circling from front plank on rings x 6-8/direction
3 sets, rest as needed

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Friday – 12/22/2017 – TTT

A – 10 squat snatches for time @ 165lbs, rest 2 min x 2 sets
1:19-1:54 w 1 miss
Had no plan here whatsoever and just went for it. When I got to 8 on both squatting fatigue was my only worry, which is what forced me to rush the rep in the 2nd set causing me to miss it.
B – 6 squat clean thrusters @ 185lbs, rest 3 min x 2 sets
1:12 – 1:02
I decided that having a plan would be a much better idea, first set plan was 1 rep every 15, thought that was to easy and did 1 rep every 12s. This felt heavier today than it should have when I started but got easier as the groove got greased.
C1 – Front squat x 5 @ 205, rest 15 sec
C2 – Dbl DB thrusters x 12 @ 50/hand, rest 30 sec
C3 – 30 wallballs @ 20lbs to 10ft, rest 3 min x 3 sets

Don’t know what was mentally tougher, the db or the wall ball. Just got in and out of my front squat a little faster each time, only reason for speeding up.

D1 – Half kneeling banded pallof press x 8/side
D2 – Single leg hip thrusts x 8/side
D3 – Mini band knee knockers x 8/side x 3 sets
E – Row 3k easy effort
Put on a youtube video and just rowed away

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Wednesday – 12/20/2017 – TTT

10 min cyclic warmup
10 min movement quality for hips (ido squat, hip flow, hamstring work)
Got in about 15+
Row 12-15 sec @ 600-700 watts, rest 60 sec x 8
of course the minimum interval requirement is 20s so I can only speculate where I felt I was holding wattage.
645ish was avg tried my damndest to get as close to 700 but 689 was where I would top out at

Ski erg 12-15 sec @ 450-500 watts, rest 60 sec x 8
450 is about where I hung out at, get occasionally get higher but felt it was easier to get this output then it was on the erg.

AB 8-10 sec @ 1400-1500 watts, rest 60 sec x 8
Even got over 1500 for several of the earlier rounds. 8 rounds here was more than plenty, wouldn’t not have wanted to do one more at all.
15 min walk outside, unplugged, cooldown
This was the best part of the day!

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Tuesday – 12/19/2017 – TTT

Before starting this day I thought you had extremely high confidence in me in my ability to move fast on burpees and then I surprised myself.

12 bar facing burpees @ 93% effort, new set every 2:30 x 3 (sets should be around 30-32 sec at this intensity, sustainable but deliberate)
10 burpee box jump overs @ 24in, new set every 3 min x 3 (sets around 36-40 sec)
8 dbl DB burpee box step over @ 50/hand to 20in box, new set every 3 min x 3 (sets around 40-44 sec)
Found a cadence to be way more efficient.
E4MOM x 4 sets
Row 50 cals
50 DU’s
3:30 (for starters kind of forgot I had 4 sets instead of 3 until just seconds before it was time to go. Also rowing mechanics discipline broke down with 20 cals to go in set 3, and work hard to mentally focus to dial them back in the last 10 cals.

accumulate 50 GHD situps and 25 GH raises for quality, not for time

I owe you these on Wednesday. Unusual time crunch today.

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Monday – 12/18/2017 – TTT

A1 – 1-arm hang KB snatches x 5/side, rest 45 sec
Was the first time in a long time snatching 2 pood overhead, it felt a little foreign but got better and started to gain a lot more comfort as I went.
A2 – Reverse bear crawl with banded KB drag x 30 sec, rest 90 sec x 4
50 roughly averaging 25-30ft each time. Went with straight legs and man this was tough
B1 – Empty bar OH walking lunge x 12 steps, rest 45 sec
B2 – V-ups x 8-10 reps, rest 90 sec x 3
My v-ups are a work in progress
C1 – Seal crawl x 50ft (active hollow and protraction), rest 1 min
So tough
C2 – Single leg sorenson hold x 10-12 sec/leg, rest 1 min x 3 sets
Feel so much stronger on the left leg than the right
D – Legs only AB 1 min, arms and legs AB 1 min x 5 sets, steady pace

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Saturday – 12/16/2017 – TTT

Yuri cossack squat flow x 4/side, slow and deliberate movement (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By5z4lLkCSuhakZOXzFxVG5jQWs/view)
Kang Squats with light load x 5 slow reps
Band resisted A march x 5 steps/side, exaggerate the glute squeeze on grounded leg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz3O0fFarZs&feature=youtu.be)
2-3 times through as needed
Open workout 14.5
Had no plan of pacing jsut wanted to move fast and see how long I could hold on and see where it would fall apart
Felt triceps in the round of 15 thrusters, not a major deal at that point but knew it was going to be an issue moving forward. Tried adjusting my hands during the 15 burpees to keep some tension off the tri’s. Feel that the 12 burpee took as long as the 15 burpee did. Just couldn’t push off the ground at the rate that I wished. This is the first time doing this workout I feel that I took very few rests period. I know in the past I might have taken several breaths on the ground but don’t recall doing that tonight. Felt completely comfortable with the elevated heart rate and never tried to slow it down. Even though my time was slower than the last time we did this in the open of (11:23) I feel pretty good about my mindset going into this.

Easy bike 10 min
Breathing work from supine squat with feet supported and elevated and head supported – 8-10 min
Done at 10min

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Friday – 12/15/2017 – TTT

For time
10 squat snatches @ 135
8 squat snatches @ 155
6 squat snatches @ 175
4 squat snatches @ 185
2 squat snatches @ 195

Going into this I anticipated/assumed about 2 minutes including loading and transitions per round up to the set of 6. From what I recall 1:33 for the 10, plate change, took me longer than I would’ve liked to change plates, if I remember first @ 155 completed about 2:00ish, the set of 6 felt the best and I believe I finished just before 6 minutes. At this point the limiting factor of moving faster was low back fatigue. I had zero misses and could’ve pushed the pace a little faster, but back was tired. Loading felt fairly easy.

A1 – Supine windshield wipers with knees together and bent x 5/direction
A2 – Quadruped rock back single leg x 5/side
A3 – Quadruped posterior capsule stretch with pelvic tilts
A4 – Frog pumps x 30
A5 – Quadruped hip internal rotations x 5/side (mini band around ankles if able)
3 times through
3 times through, not for time
6-8 toes to rings, big gliding swings, picture decompressing spine
10-12 alternating mountain climbers with hands on rings (keep angle conservative and move deliberately, keep down leg actively extended while driving other knee up high – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI5J5MWAJnw)
Cossack flow x 3-4/direction (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By5z4lLkCSuhakZOXzFxVG5jQWs/view)
Banded pallof hold with alphabet trace x 1 time through/side (keep constant tension on band in front of body, hands trace letters of alphabet while hips/trunk resist rotation)
Banded bird dogs x 6/side (drive through butt, keep low back from extending)
Banded psoas march from hollow supine x 6/side (keep active hollow while reaching through straight leg)
Mountain climbers were surprisingly difficult, caught me off guard. Tracing the alphabet caught me off guard as well, didn’t expect that to be as challenging as it turned out to be but loved it.

Star plank – 15 sec/side, rest 30 sec bt sides x 5 sets
Getting better here, but if I get lazy balance becomes the issue. Didn’t get great abduction today, was just average

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Wednesday- 12/13/2017 – TTT

For time
Row 2k
50 toes to bar
40 shoulder to overhead @ 115lbs
30 bar facing burpees

Row was 7:22 – first 1K was about a 1:46 pace felt I was over pulling so eased up a little bit
Ttb was 10-10-12-10-8
Sto – 20 (way too aggressive because I rested too much, that’s the only thing I would do different) – 9-6-5
First 14 burpee were slow, took about 10 sec of breathing and then hit the last 16 as fast as I could.

15 min easy bike
class needed bikes so only got in 10 mknitww
Hip flow and banded shoulder work

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Tuesday – 12/12/2017 – TTT

A – Power snatch – x 4, rest 8 sec/2 min
Kind of surprised myself here. One of the 195’s definitely not pretty, and 2 we’re very solid powers, 2 were probably pretty close but I’m confident they were still powers
B – (Hang squat snatch x 1/Snatch balance x 1) x 3, rest 2-3 min x 4 sets
This was way tougher than I expected, but really felt good hip drive during the latter reps, some of the snatch balance did not move my feet well.
6 sets @ high effort, rest 90 sec bt sets, goal will be building in intensity as you go
8 1-arm shoulder to overhead @ 70lbs (switch after 6)
10 burpee box jumps @ 24in
15 cal row

2:27 – f’d up with the dumbbell

Goal was to keep a similar pace on the burpee for the first 3 rounds and then pick up the pace for the last 3. Row goal was to increase 1000cal/hr each set. Accomplished. Last set finished 1600-1700 and even dipped into 1800 for 2 strokes.

Hollow rocks with light weight in hands x 15-20 sec, rest 90 sec x 4
Banded lat pulldown and aparts x 8-10
DB powell raise x 8/side
DB external rotation with elbow on knee x 8/side
3 times through, rest as needed
can we do this more frequently. I feel I should be stronger in these positions and movement patterns

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